Tuesday, 19 March 2013


St. Partrick's Day has come and gone, and still the snow remains. It snowed all weekend here. I am getting a hearty welcome back, a scolding for leaving prairie soil for greener and rainier pastures for so long (please don't tell everyone that this extra long winter may be my fault). I do have two howevers though:

1. Winter is cold and icy and annoying (especially for those who have to shovel), but it is also beautiful.
2. I fly back Abbotsford today for six days. Not as much to the warmth of sunny skies, but to the beaming faces I miss so much.

As evidence, of 1. I offer the pictures below. The first two are from my walks to and from school. Sunny days are my favorite, and when clear skies reign, I take the most pictures. However, lest those from BC get too jealous, we do have grey/snowy days too.

Heading over the university bridge.

My street.

This next set is form Kinsmen Park. It is at the end of my street and I finally trekked across it to roost at my favorite coffee spot here, Museo coffee at the Mendel Art Gallery. I was delighted to find these metal sculptures all over! Tug-of-warring, bridging, hanging out. Kids/people in the park. In the last two pictures, not the sparkle factor in the snow. That day was so bright and the snow so fresh that I thought I was looking at Edward Cullen caught in the sunshine (yes, that is a Twilight reference. If you don't get it, you are are getting your comeuppance for being too cool to partake in the vampire, werewolf, over-dramatic, shirtless saga that it is). Cross-country paths are all over the park and while I was taking pictures, one speedy skier passed me twice.

This stencilled graffiti is for everyone to enjoy, but especially you, Meg Kroeker. When I spotted these at the end of my alley a month and half ago I thought of you immediately. Stencilled and weathered men with stories! Fishermen or steel workers, or farmers that have worked the same land for 40 years. Or maybe they live around here, making these streets their beds, immortalized on metal. 


Have a lovely week everyone,


  1. Holy smokes. This post of yours inspired me to get to my light table stat, bend that goose neck and stencil! Thank you. I needed a push desperately! I write from the darkroom where your special request Ode to Marj dries waiting for the post. Love you gal. Keep shooting sparkles, you're too good to let 'em lie.

    Xo Margot

    1. Dearest Meg,

      I have been so remiss in not thanking you for the two beautiful packages of inspiration you sent me earlier this month! They came on much needed days. Letters from a year! It was nice to catch up. I wanted to make my way to Winnipeg before this year's plant, but alas, no dice. Before the year's out? We can only hope.

      xo Liza
